Crisis Case Management offers a concierge approach for all of our clients.
Our thorough intake and care management process ensures that individuals and their families are supported at every step.
While each client receives the right strategy for their situation, your steps might look something like this.
Connect with our admissions team. When you reach out, you’re directly connected to our admissions team.
Admissions schedules a virtual call with individuals, key family members, and essential stakeholders to gain a deeper understanding of your situation.
Our Admissions and Operations team delivers a proposal that outlines your recommended personalized care plan.
We connect you with your concierge care team (Interventionist, Case Manager, Coach, and Companion).
Our Clinical Director, Valeria Curiel, will completes a thorough clincial assessment as part of the intake process.
Your Case Manager and Care Team design the treatment strategy for you.
If an intervention is needed, we schedule the date and plan our approach.
If treatment placement is required, we collaborate with our network of clinical practitioners and trusted partners to place you in the best possible care facilities. If not, CCM aligns you with clinicians to provide you with the appropriate mental health / substance abuse services.
CCM coordinates transport services to get you or your loved one where you need to go safely. We arrange everything from flights, to door-to-door car service, and companions, if needed.
We work with the individual to develop healthy life skills, design strategies for living, work on integrity building and relational repairs, and set measurable goals to increase outcomes post-treatment.
We collaborate with mental health professionals, therapists, and trusted referral partners for family coaching around boundary setting, effective communication, and other relational support.
We personalize ongoing care strategies for every client, including logistics, collaboration, and companioning.
Your Case Manager works with the treatment center and Care Team to develop a comprehensive aftercare plan.
As you re-integrate back into your daily life, your Case Manager ensures that your IOP, PHP, in-home treatment, companioning, 12-step meetings, and doctor’s appointments are all managed efficiently.
Now re-integrated, you and your family can focus on living a happier, healthier life.

If you’re ready to live a healthier, happier life, CCM is ready to support you.
Our Admissions Team is here to help. Fill out our inquiry form and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.
Confidential Questions? Call us at 855-467-3226.
References are available upon request.